Saturday, February 04, 2006 4:21 PM

Taking Out Insurance V




          We have discussed the subject of “taking out insurance” in IMPS before. Bidding one more when we do not have a clue who owns the hand in a wild auction. This “takes out insurance” against double game/slam swings. Also pulling close penalty doubles is taking out insurance against a disaster. Lead directing doubles are an excellent insurance policy against bad games/slams making. Lead directing overcalls or lead directing 3rd seat bids are an insurance policy against tight games being bid or made with the wrong opening lead.  Right siding NT protecting your tenaces from the opening lead is taking out a good insurance policy. Pre-empts & defensive bidding to make a nuisance of yourself when the opponents own the auction is “taking out insurance” against the opponents finding their optimum spot. Trapping with their suit rather than bidding in misfit auctions is taking out insurance against going for a bad set . Discipline with your opening bids ( having your Quick Tricks when you open ) ,  is taking out insurance against bad penalty doubles ( both ways)  or inaccurate bidding in competitive , game or slam decisions.


          I would like to discuss two more instances of “taking out insurance” . If partner opens 1NT and you have a lot of HCP’s where game is a certainty but not slam , bid 3NT rather than Stayman. This is taking out insurance against a bad trump break in your major. In NT with extra HCP’s , you can afford a bad break as you have other suits to fall back on . With a trump suit you do not have such a luxury. Here is a neat example where squeezes save you from the bad trump break.



P-4-P-5          Kxx AK  AK98  ♣ AQxx          























      You had grand slam aspirations but partner was not overly co-operative. You have so many extra HCP’s for this auction that you can afford to take out insurance against a bad spade break . in a pre-emptive auction, the odds for bad breaks go up so you bid 6NT.


          You win the heart lead and cash your spade king and LHO shows out ! You play the Ace of clubs and over to the King and both follows. You lead a heart and RHO thinks and throws a spade.

You now duck a spade so your 5th spade is good. The 5th spade squeezes RHO in diamonds and clubs and you make 6NT. RHO got squeezed twice because she had 3 suits to worry about !
























            I was playing with Dora when another example of taking out insurance came up . When you are just  close to the slam range in HCP’s , suit slams play better than NT ( just the opposite of above ) . You can get an extra trick by ruffing where in NT you need sheer power. Dora had 10x AKJx Axx KQxx and I opened 1NT . Dora bid Stayman  and I bid 2. Dora bid 4NT and I accepted by bidding 6NT. I went one down . Dora asked me if I bid my suits up the line if I accept the invite as in close slams a minor should be better. I did have 4 clubs and if I bid 5♣ on the way , we would have been in 6♣ . This contract is cold against any lead and would have been a tie for top J. This understanding is an excellent insurance policy.