Wednesday, November 15, 2006 10:51 AM

Playing The Vulnerability - Toys




            Playing the vulnerability is an important strategy/tactic in Bridge. Noticing the vulnerability should as standard as sorting your cards & counting your HCP’s. The next step is to realize that your bids change their meaning depending on the vulnerability. There is what I call the terrorist vulnerability  ( nv vrs vul ) where even non advocates of modern bidding can bid like the modern bidders ! Partner is trained to put on her catchers mitt & give partner leeway on this one vulnerability. On all other vulnerability scenarios , your bids must be disciplined as partner is going to take them to the bank.


            The opponents open a strong NT . Using your toys are very vulnerability dependent. If they are vulnerable , you tend to double with all good hands. When the vulnerability is reversed ( you vul – them not) you tend to use your toy because getting to your vul game is more important then a NV set. If you are on the terrorist vulnerability , by all means attempt to blow up their auctions.


            What about jumps to the 3 level in a major after a 1NT opening bid ? These again are vulnerability dependent. On all vulnerabilities other than the terrorist vulnerability , a jump to the 3 level is a good distributional hand saying partner bid 4 with any excuse. On the terrorist vulnerability , I prefer a jump to the 3 level in a major to be pre-emptive. I jump to 4/ with those good distributional hands with that one vulnerability.


            What about jumps to the 3 level in a minor ? Most Bridge experts have a systemic meaning for a 2♣/ overcall so with 3 out of the 4 vulnerabilities things just shows hands that you would have overcalled at the two level . With the terrorist vulnerability , these bids can be shaded to border on the pre-emptive range of hands. A jump to the 3 level in a minor is never strong though , or you would have preferred to double going in.


            I was mentoring Monday night  & my partner held Qx AKQ109x void ♣KQJxx , it went a strong NT to his right. They were vul & we were not so what do you bid ? My partner attempted to slot this hand into our system ( Standard Dictator) so he overcalled 2♣ showing clubs & another suit. I passed as I had 4♣ & nothing else however the strong NT stepped out with 2. My partner now made up lost time with a 4 bid. I gave preference to 5♣ which got doubled & mis-defended for +550 our way. Not the recommended way to bid this hand.


            What is the correct way to bid these hand types ? If clubs & hearts were reversed , I would bid 2NT which shows any strong two suiter. However , in this case,  my six card major is so strong , I would bid 3 on 3 vulnerabilites & 4 with the remaining one. Partner will bump you to game with any excuse on the 3 disciplined vulnerabilities & you are in 4 on the terrorist  vulnerability.


            Do not just automatically slot your two suited hands into your conventional toy. Notice the vulnerability & the length of your major. If they are vul , double them with your powerful hand . If this gets passed out ,  they are in serious trouble. If you can not stand to have partner pass your systemic toy , do not use the bid. Jump to 3 of a major or just take control and bid game yourself.