Tuesday, January 04, 2005 8:50 AM

NT Interference


If the opponents interfere over our 1N opening bid , we have the following agreements which complement  Rubensohl which is our main weapon of choice:

Over direct  penalty doubles:

New suit bids are DONT style  - suit bid plus one higher ranking

XX shows single suited hand

Pass forces XX


Over artificial doubles


- Ignore & systems on


Over 2♣=1 mystery suit (as in Cappelletti):

- double=Stayman, system on.


Double of opponents artificial bids ( like 2 Cappelletti )


            – Let me at them when they bid their real suits


Direct double of natural suits


– D.S.I.P. cards rather than trump stack


Pass & double or pass & convert


      trump stack.


3 level Doubles


          - Negative


If opponents double in the passout seat


-  a redouble by opener shows 4 spades. Redouble by responder is SOS.


- applies over all natural bids and two suited bids where the suit bid is natural like DONT. Stay away from Rubensohl when their suit bids are artificial.

Texas Transfers

          - on

An “invisible Q bid” is bidding a suit that their bid is calling for at the two level.

If available, an invisible Q  cue-bid of opponents' suit at the 2-level (e.g. 1N-2♣(Astro)-2) is a weak takeout, ostensibly 3-suited.

If there is one invisible cue-bid available at the 2-level (e.g. 1N-2(Brozel)-2♠), it is a weak takeout for the other 2 suits.

If there are two cue-bids available, (e.g. 1N-2♣(Landy)-2or 2♠), the cheapest is a weak takeout, the other is the equivalent of a natural raise to 2N.

  If their artificial bids are higher ranking suits ,  there will be two "transfer cue-bids" ( transferring into their suit)  at 2N or higher.

The cheapest is game-forcing "Stayman".
With no fit, opener bids 3N with both enemy suits stopped, otherwise cue-bids the cheapest suit in which he lacks a stopper. If he makes the cheapest cue-bid, responder counter cue-bids to promise a stopper in the cheap suit, deny one in the expensive suit.
The other transfer cue-bid is a raise to 3N lacking a stop in the high ranking suit. Opener accepts the transfer holding a stop, and denying a stop in the cheap suit. He bids 3N with both suits stopped.
3N shows stops in both enemy suits.

