Wednesday, September 18, 2002 5:54 AM

 Kokish Game Tries




          Playing Bergen raises adds a new dimension to your major game try structure . Knowing that partner always has 3 trump makes 3NT a powerful alternative to a 10 trick contract . Getting to the right game can be considered as well as getting to game period .  I like the Kokish game tries as a good exploratory tool to find the right game .


1 -2 : 6-9, exactly 3 .


2 : Kokish Game Try, a long suit trial in any suit, asking partner which Game Try suit she would have accepted.

2 NT: Accepts a game try in . Opener now signs of in 3 or 4 , makes a second game-try by bidding the suit or starts to cuebid.

3 : Accepts a game try in , but not in .

3 : Accepts a game try in , but not in / .

3 : Rejects all game tries.

4 /3 NT: Accepts all game tries.


2 NT: x/- , Short suit Game Try or better.

3 : Short suit Game Try or better.

3 : Short suit Game Try or better.

3 : Preemptive, 6 card suit.

3 : 6 4 or extremely concentrated 5 4.

3 NT: 5332, proposal to play.

4 : SO

1 -2 : 6-9, exactly 3 .

2 NT: Kokish Game Try, a long suit trial in any suit, asking partner which Game Try suit she would have accepted.

3 : Accepts a game try in . Opener now signs of in 3 or 4 , makes a second game-try by bidding the suit or starts to cuebid.

3 : Accepts a game try in , but not in .

3 : Accepts a game try in , but not in / .

3 : Rejects all game tries.

4 :/3 NT Accepts all game tries.


3 : Short suit Game Try or better.

3 : Short suit Game Try or better.

3 : Short suit Game Try or better.

3 : Preemptive, 6 card suit.

3 NT: 5332, proposal to play.

4 : SO


The type of information obtained by these bids can lead to 3NT instead of 4 of a major . You are normally bidding values in that suit and that could lead to 3NT.  If you are like Peter Jones and have a propensity for bad trump breaks then this tool would be very useful.



Kokish game tries are also used when you find your major fit after partner responds a major and you raise to two of a major. The rules are the same but there is a twist. 1-P-1-P   2-P-3    this shows a stiff in partners bid suit. Showing stiffs in partners bid suit is generally not a good idea. Bidding partners suit should show an honour in that suit.  1-P-1♥-P   2-P-3-P is a game try with a stiff diamond. I held xxxx KQJx x K1098  and BJ opened 1 on J10 10xxx Axxx AQJ  so we get to a tight 4 due to no duplication in diamonds.