Friday, December 16, 2005 4:02 AM

Hand Evaluation – Systemic ( Weak Jump Shifts )




            We like jump rebids by responder to be forcing to game & show a good suit. If you do not have a good suit , you can make a 4th suit forcing to game bid & bid your suit. Partner now knows your suit is not semi-solid or solid. The jump rebid virtually “sets the trump suit” .



2-P-3   . 3 is a game force with a semi-solid or solid suit. ♠Axx KQJ109xx Kxx . This bid replaces the Goren strong jump shift by responder & is referred to as “recovering” the useful form of the strong jump shift ( good suit) .


            This understanding comes at a price. Jump rebids by responder in her own suit are no longer invitational. What replaces the invitational bids ? Tom Gandolfo’s solution is to scrap weak jump shifts & play “invitational jump shifts”. Weak jump shifts are just bid by responding at the one level & rebidding your suit. Jumps to the 3 level in a major after a minor opener is a splinter.


            My partner & I have had to adjust our Weak Jump Shifts to a more robust HCP range so the negative inference of rebidding our suit at the two level shows invitational hands . Our weak jump shifts can be quite healthy right up to the invitational range. We also use 2NT as the only forcing bid after a WJS. Our responses are graded because the range is quite extensive from a good 4 to a bad 8 HCP.


            Our approach to one level rebids is to play XYZ which helps us identify invitational hands. If the auctions stays at the one level , we use 2 way new Minor Forcing. ♠x AQJxxx Kxxxxx  Partner opens 1♣






            The 2♣ bid shows all invitational hands & partner must relay to 2. 2 or 3 now describes your hand.If partner rebids her suit at the 2 level, you just rebid your major suit so partner plays you for an “invitational jump”. As a passed hand or after overcalls ( partnership agreement) , weak jump shifts automatically turn into fit showing jumps . You have already opened your WJS hand a weak 2.


            I think “recovering the strong jump shift” is worth adjusting your weak jump shifts. There are no free lunches for system designers.