Thursday, September 29, 2005 5:56 AM

Hand Evaluation – Vulnerable Games ( Forcing pass )




            I like the understanding that all vul games bid non pre-emptively against non vul opponents turn on forcing passes. This includes partner making a high level double thereby forcing partner into a vul game. Why should this be a forcing pass situation when partner could have absolutely nothing or a weak hand ? Never happens, because with nothing vul against non vul,  I think the high level T/O double should be passed. 1-P-4-X   xxxx xxx xxx ♣xxx up toxxxx Qxx KxxQJx should be passed. –590 for 4X making may be the least of evils in these auctions. If partner contracts for a game vul even under pressure of partners double, forcing passes are turned on .


            The Lebensohl convention that we all play over high level doubles greatly assist in forcing pass situations. If we have a distributional nothing so we want to run,  we trot out 4NT Lebensohl. 1-P-4-X  4NTx xxx KJxxxx ♣xxx . If we had a chance to use Lebensohl at high levels but did not , forcing passes are automatically turned on at any vulnerability.


            Even pre-emptive auctions  ( a weak two or three)  turn on forcing passes vul against not if our vul game was bid. Other vulnerabilities,  partner had to make a forcing noise first before forcing passes are turned on. This is one time when the pre-empter is allowed to bid again. Partner is not bidding a vul game against nv opponents as a sacrifice. His pass & your pass are both forcing. My partner in Atlanta opened 2 vul against nv. I leapt to 4 vul but they interfered with a 5♣ bid. This bid hit partner’s void  so he decided that the pass & pull part of forcing pass theory would describe his hand best. I bid 5 which made , Tom Gandolfo bought the hand in 5♣X at the other table & made the contract on bad defense.


            Try this hand out .  xxxx void AJxAKxxxx   



P- 4-P-P

5-P-P-?   The opponents are nv , you are vulnerable. You forced partner vul into 4 with your double so do you bid again ? Yes , as partner’s pass is forcing . She has ♠AKxxx xxx 10xx ♣xx so on a lucky day  a grand in spades makes. Vul games turn on forcing passes against nv opponents. On equal vulnerability , forcing passes would not be turned on after you forced partner to game. She would have to make a decision for the partnership. Of course , if you voluntarily bid game ( not forced)  , forcing passes are turned on with any vulnerability.


            Following the principle theme of this article , if partner pulls a penalty double of a nv opponent to a vul game , forcing passes are turned on.

♠xx xx AKJ10x ♣AKQx





?    Partner is not pulling a double vul vrs nv from a position of weakness. She expects to make 4 so forcing passes apply. The decision in my mind anyway is between bidding 5 & 6♠ . Say if responder made a penalty double in this auction ,  the opener pulls the double to 4 but they subsequently bid again. Forcing passes are turned on.


            The opponents bidding nv vrs vul  in itself turns on forcing passes. If we are vul ,they pre-empt non vul , partner bids but they bid game in the sandwich position , forcing passes are turned on. Why , the simple fact that we must be given protection against vul vrs nv tactics. If we double but they make the contract , we hand them their 4 IMPS so on to the next hand. In the vast majority of other hands, forcing pass theory assists our side. In Reno , partner opened 1vul with a bad hand , they pre-empted 3♣ & I bid 3. My LHO “re-pre-empted” to 5♣ so partner doubles as their bidding made his pass forcing. We beat the contract for +300 & we would be one down in 5 for a 10 IMP swing.