Thursday, September 18, 2003 4:29 AM

Hand Evaluation  - Solid or semi-solid Suits




            An age old problem that has been bothering bidding theorists for decades is how to describe solid or semi-solid suits as well as a enough HCP’s to force . In the old days , a strong jump shift by responder showed a game forcing hand with a good suit . Most everybody in Alberta plays weak jump shifts or splinters so we need clever ways to show the old strong jump shift hands. We do not need to show solid suits ( no losers opposite a void)  since KCB can determine if you have no losers in your suit ( semi-solid definition) . Having these bids show a solid suit is unduly restrictive. KQJ109xx , AKJ10xxx AQJ109xx can become solid suits with Blackwood.  Here are the following treatments to show good solid or semi-solid suits suits:


1)    Jumps in forcing auctions – When a side has forced to game , a jump is redundant . Therefore it shows a solid or semi-solid suit . 



        3                 2♣ has forced to game so the jump shows a solid suit




       3                   2♣ is 4th suit forcing to game so 3 shows a solid suit



       3                      3 shows a solid suit and demands that controls be shown


       1-P-2♣-P         4♣ shows a solid suit and a strong jump shift



      2) Using NT    -   Gambling 3NT shows a solid suit so a 3♣/3 pre-empt is a

                             broken suit



                                    3NT    shows a solid or semi-solid suit 



                                     3       does  not



                                     3NT      solid or semi-solid spades


3)    3♣ Jump Shift  -  3♣ as an artificial jump shift allows a natural jump to

                                  show a good suit




                                     3                     Good hand but suit might not be good ( 3NT maybe)



                                      3                     Good suit


    4) 4th suit forcing  -  Since you have 4th suit forcing at your disposal, a natural

                                      jump rebid by responder  shows a good solid suit ( recovering the strong jump shift )



                                     1-P-3              2 is invitational so make a jump as

                                                                  forcing with a good suit.




                                       2NT-P-3            Long diamonds but broken suit as

                                                                   used 4th suit forcing first


   5) NMF (xyz ) -         Since a new minor is forcing over a 1NT rebid , a natural jump is

                           forcing with a solid or semi-solid suit.



                          1NT-P-3               Forcing with solid or semi-solid spades




                            2-P-2               Forcing with broken spades


6) Texas Transfers     -     Texas Transfers tend to show long broken suits .

                                          Transfers or taking control show better suits. 


7) Wolff Relay  - A relay is a two way switch . By making a relay first you are

                             showing a weak hand OR a weak suit. Bidding natural and

                             insisting on your suit shows a solid or semi-solid suit.




                         3-P-3-P     This shows a broken spade suit as you relayed first




                         3NT-P-4           This is a slam try with a solid or semi-solid suit . 


8) NAMYATs hands -   Rather then play 4♣/ to show a solid major suit hand

                                      with 8 ½ or more playing tricks , we open 2♣ and rebid 4

                                      of a major.


9) Jump Q Bid   -   A jump Q bid shows a solid suit and asks partner to bid 3NT

                                or give controls. These are gambling 3NT type hands.




10) Jump over a pre-empt -    You do not pre-empt over a pre-empt . Jumping (overcalling )

                                                 over a pre-empt shows a good suit as well as a

                                                  good hand  .


                                           2-3   overcall   


                                           3-4  overcall

