Monday, April-06-09


Hand Evaluation – Partnership ( Defensive Expectations )




        How you defend a hand from the onset is based on your expected set. When you "own the auction" vul & they take a deliberate nv save against your vul game , your expectation is around +500 . When they bid in an auction , you hold 14 HCP opposite partners opening bid with them doubled at the two level again your expectation is a large number. Your lead should reflect the known total strength of your two hands. You see the “big picture” right from the beginning of the defense with a “standard” set to guide you. This way of thinking prevents panicking & doing irrational things on defense. You are not just defending singlehandedly fixated on your own hand as they are sacrificing against the contract reached by the partnership.  


         My partner vul opened a weak 2♠ with ♠AK1098x x xx ♣xxxx & they overcalled 3 nv . I bid a vul 3NT & my LHO bid 4. My RHO ran to 4which I doubled & all pass. I led the ♠Q & the dummy appeared as ♠xx xxx QJ1098xx ♣x so what is the expected result on this hand ? They do not have a diamond fit & all of partners points are sitting over declarer. This looks likes like a +500 to +800 set based on the bidding. You allow partner to win the first trick & he continues a spade which you win. You do not need desperate measures to set this sacrifice. Playing partner for a doubleton spade is irrelevant as you should get your 3rd spade anyway one way or another. You return a heart & declarer teeters on -800 but escapes for -500 . Your expected result determined how you planned your defense. Partner could easily hold AQx on the auction so a disaster for them. Declarer plays the entire contract out of her hand leading into your partners known strength. Trust your partner’s penalty double & the fact that the opponents are sacrificing against your vul game..


       Partner opens 1♣ , you respond a spade with AQJxx 109 A109x ♣QJ with partner rebidding 2♣ . RHO surprises you by bidding 2 which you double showing a Western Q bid with your agreement. Partner converts for penalty though so what is your expected set ? You have a full 14 HCP so this should be in the +500 range or more. Where are they getting their tricks from holding your monster ? Ruffing on the board is a possibility so let’s change the contract to NT as soon as possible. You lead the 10 & the board hits with ♠K109xx Jx Jxxxxx . Declarer plays the jack covered by partner's queen won by declarer's Ace. Declarer leads a heart so you win your 9  . You play your spade Ace followed by a spade & partner ruffs the ♠K with the K.  Partner leads a high diamond & over to your A with the queen appearing from declarer. Now what ? You have preserved your ♠Q & ♠J for a reason so you return a high spade & declarer ruffs. Declarer plays a low club so you win your ♣J & return another high spade . Declarer leads a club & you are endplayed as partner does not get the club Ace. Most of the time , declarer should be held to at least -500 though when you have that much ammunition.


            Defense & your opening lead requires planning . You use all available information , hand patterns from the bidding & HCP’s announced at the table. When the opponents are sacrificing  , you usually just take the tricks you have coming to you. You do not need any double dummy defense as may be required with other auctions. You should have a goal based on that criteria . That number should be chosen before your opening lead & once you see the dummy.