Monday, July 24, 2006 11:55 PM
Hand Evaluation -  SJS ( Relay Interference )




            You are an expert partnership who play relays , super-accepts & some pretty complicated sequences when left alone. What if the opponents interfere with  your relay or other artificial bid ? Established partnerships should have these understandings worked out also. Let’s start with the easy one. You make the multi-purpose 3♣ bid & partner takes the relay which gets doubled . You were about to bid 3NT which shows the real clubs but you do not have a diamond stopper. Enter the pass as it must be the club jump shift but you were reluctant to bid the 3NT to “wrong side” the contract ( no diamond stopper) . If partner has the diamond stopper ,  she bids the 3NT. A xx should show clubs with a diamond control . A direct 3NT bid shows clubs & let’s not worry about the diamonds as I have them well stopped.  All other bids are as per the “book”.


            Now for a tougher one which came up tonight with my partner & myself. Partner opens 1NT , you bid 2 which shows the club hands . This gets doubled so your side has new sequences which are defined in light of their double. We feel that a spade stopper should now be built into the acceptances. The redouble should show a spade stopper & a super accept in clubs. The 2NT bid should show a super accept in clubs as always but without a spade stopper. This allows partner to right side the 5♣ contract if she has the Kx of spades.


            A direct 3♣ bid should show a spade stopper but not liking clubs very much. A pass should show no spade stopper with a dislike for clubs. We have all the bases covered with super accepts coupled with the spade stopper. The pass & XX were the extra steps to accommodate that information.


            Reubensohl was built for interference . If RHO interferes after the transfer , it is not as serious as with Lebensohl as you know partners suit. A double should be for penalty simultaneously saying I do not like your suit.  A pass says I have your suit , but nothing extra. Bidding your suit is a super accept. Bidding NT is a super accept with their suit stopped.  1NT-2♠-3♣-3♠    3NT  super accept in diamonds with a stopper.



When the opponents interfere , it is best to use them as a stepping stone. Your system should not just ignore the opponents. Build understandings around the eventuality that the opponents are bidding. Assume you are playing against Steve Willard or Ray Grace & design your system accordingly.