August 8, 2003 4:34 PM


Hand Evaluation – Systemic ( Recovering the SJS )




The strong jump shift by responder is the dinosaur of Bridge so has been replaced by the WJS & 4th suit forcing.  However , the strong jump shift by responder had its use especially to set the suit immediately & to show the slam intentions. There are not enough bids in Bridge that concentrate on the quality of the suit. We seem to be more hung up on HCP’s . Bridge is a game of suits so good suits should be acknowledged.  With the weak jump shift inferences that a suit rebid by responder  is invitational , we can assign a meaning to jump rebids by responder. These can be the solid suit type strong jump shift hands.  So in effect , we are “recovering” the useful form of the strong jump shift response of the old days.. If we choose to go the 4th suit forcing route or XYZ , we can show the rock without the good suit.



1-P-3    Strong Jump Shift




2NT-P-3 Broken suit



 1♠-P-3-P   SJS good suit

