Tuesday, January 03, 2006 4:23 AM

Hand Evaluation - Q Bids Vrs Suits




            In the game of bridge sometimes there can be confusion between interpreting a bid as Q bid or a suit. The first rule of Q bidding is establishing a fit early. Once you have found a fit , you do not try and find a 2nd fit . Therefore  all subsequent bids are interpreted as Q bids. When you transfer after a NT opening , establish the fit at the earliest convenience so that Q bids come into play.




3-P- 4♣           since we have established a spade fit , 4♣ and all other bids afterwards are Q bids. What if partner in this auction bid 3 after 3 what would that mean ? Since she did not establish trump as spades , 3 sets the suit as diamonds. Very important in these auctions.


            Another rule for Q bids is “game before slam . In other words if a bid can be interpreted as a Q bid towards slam or an attempt to find a game , game takes precedence.



 4♣-P-4-P   4♣ was a splinter but 4 is not a Q bid as game takes precedence.



 P-4-5♣-P            5♣ is game so not a Q bid . Game takes precedence if no fit established prior in the auction.


            Sometimes you can tell from the auction whether a bid is a Q bid or a suit. If you circumvent a basic Q bidding rule of Q bidding your lowest ranking suit first , the bid should be interpreted as a suit rather than a Q bid.




4-P-?            Surely a 2♣ opener has a lower ranking control to bid . The 4bid must be a suit and partner is asking how you fit the heart suit for slam purposes.


            The 4 level should be reserved for Q bids  when partner has jumped the bidding in her suit or made a strong jump shift.



 3-P-?           Jxxxx Kx x ♣AQ10xx  bid 3NT instead of 4♣. Partner is going to misinterpret 4♣ as a Q bid in support of diamonds.



           3-P-?             xx AKxx KJ10x ♣xxx      Q bid 4 as you are too strong to bid 4 but not strong enough to take control with KCB. The 4 level rule makes 4a Q bid rather than a suit.


            Beware of “implied Q bids” . The auction goes 4-X-P-4  



Is this a Q bid in support of spades ? Certainly not , as the doubler has shown a two suiter in clubs & hearts. In many pre-emptive auctions , partner is forced to double without support for all suits so equal level “conversion” must take place even at the 5 level. The Bridge World has a cliché for such bids. If it can be natural it is .