Saturday, September 18, 2004 6:16 AM

Hand Evaluation - Penalty Conversion ( Judgment )




            With so many doubles now  being “responsive” in nature or competitive (D.S.I.P.)   , you need judgment when deciding whether partner’s double should be converted for penalty. The main judgment factors are “duplication of value” in their suit or your own suit , length in partners suit (s) , controls & balanced distribution . Also the location of your HCP’s . Are they in the suit that partner expects them to be ? Are these HCP’s located behind or in front of the opponents suit ? In addition , you treat partials doubled into game different from games , slams or 1NTX . With partials , you must beat them two tricks because you get so punished yourself if they make the contract.


 With the penalty doubles of old ( circa 1920’s to1980 ) you do not need judgment . You just close your eyes and pass as the double was for “business” so there is a trump stack over there.  Doubles in competition today , even if you do not play D.S.I.P. doubles as a system , still require judgment whether they be pulled or not. Do not forget that converting doubles for penalty is in effect making the “penalty double” from your side. Partner has transferred the decision to you so the “Rule of two” should come into effect. Experts say do not double partials into game unless you are reasonably sure that you are beating the contract two tricks or more . Games or slams , convert if you are just going to beat the contract. Partner is a passed hand , you hold Kx Axx xxxxKJxx  so you open 1♣ in 3rd seat. They overcall 1♠ , partner bids 2 & they pre-empt to 3♠. Around to partner who doubles so what is your decision ? You have controls so unless they are very lucky with their finesses they are probably going down.  However , are they going down two ? You are doubling them into game & you have a heart fit. This is too close ,  so you take out insurance by bidding 4.


Maurice & I  had an auction recently where this  judgment comes into play . Klimo opened 2♣ which was alerted as showing clubs with a minumum opener . Maurice held ♠Axx Qxxxx AKx ♣xx & overcalled 2 . Tom G competed to 3♣ so I doubled with ♠QJ10xx which LHO doubled & Tom bid 4♣ . RHO bid 4 . I wanted to bid 5♣ very badly but why take such a single handed action ?  I have 4 booked in my own hand & I am short in his spade suit so why not put partner in the picture with a D.S.I.P. double ? This has to be a competitive double so a try for a 5♣ game. If you wanted to “punish” the opponents you pass as you already have shown a big hand so partner can act accordingly.

If partner holds ♠Jxxxx x xxx ♣Axxx        4 makes and 5♣ makes

If partner holds ♠KQxx Jxx xx ♣xxxx        4 goes for 500 and 5♣ goes for 500

If partner holds ♠Jxxx Jxx xx ♣Axxx           4