Thursday, November 30, 2006 9:58 AM

Hand Evaluation - One of a Minor ( 2NT Response )




            Our systemic 2NT response to a minor is limit raise 11+ to 15 HCP game forcing with a 4 card fit for partners minor. However,  it is more than that . The bid is made as a result of hand evaluation & may hold 5 cards in the unbid minor or a 4 card major. Partner must have some reason to bid 2NT other than she thinks she plays the NT better than partner J . The best reason is hand evaluation. You have soft values in queens & jacks or tenaces that right siding the NT will protect , so bid 2NT. If you have nice controls , avoid bidding 2NT with your 13-15. Respond an inverted minor with 4 cards, bid a 3 card diamond suit or otherwise bid up the line. Bidding 2NT means you want to steer the contract to a NT game for a reason. Slams will be rare due to your lack of controls and soft values.


            The responsibility of opener is to describe her hand after a 2NT response. If partner bids a 4 card major,  the inference that she has a 5 card or longer minor is invaluable. You show where you live to identify weakness for a 3NT contract or get to 5 or 6 of a minor. If you opened a 6-5 (10-14 HCP ) jump shift reverse hand , jump to the 4 level to describe it. Quantitative bidding is of course mandatory as you know partners HCP range. A direct 4NT bid would show the 18-19 balanced hand.


            Since partner can suppress a 4 card major with her 2NT bid ( rare ) , bidding your 4 card major might result in the final contract of 4 of a major. A jump in your minor after a 2NT response is KCB for your minor. Having 2NT forcing to game allows room to explore alternative games and slams. Partner does not pre-empt you with a silly 3NT bid just because she has game forcing values. Rebidding your minor is an escape & the 2NT bidder is allowed to pass. The 2NT bid as forcing to game is following the principle of fast arrival. With good hands . you conserve bidding room by allowing room to explore. Leaping to game is a picture bid ( flat strong NT ) or weak in competition.


            The side effect of having 2NT forcing to game is some very healthy 1NT responses to a minor. This means that passing 1NT will only be done with weak hands. You do not try to improve the partial so any bid at the two level is invitational. A reverse is a game force but a heart reverse is a relay. Again use judgment when responding 1NT as you should have soft values & wanting to right side the NT.


            This 2NT treatment means that a leap to 3NT can be a picture bid. A flat hand in the strong NT range with soft values and 4-3-3-3 comes to mind. A 2NT bid in competition is also limit raise + up to 15 HCP so  usually shows their suit doubly stopped. A 3NT bid in competition just means that I am bidding what I think we can make.