2008-04-06 02:53
 Hand Evaluation – Mentoring




            The obvious objective of Bridge bidding is to describe your hand to partner. if you have already described your hand to partner  , bidding your same values all over again is “old news” . A Tormenttee held ♠Q10x 109x KQ10x ♣AKx  & opened 1 . Partner bid 2♣ so she made the good bid of 2NT which describes her hand as a flat 14 HCP. Excellent start to the auction but partner bids 3 so now  bidding 3NT is old news . Partner already knows that you have a flat 13-14 HCP’s. What she does not know is that you have ♣AKx of partners suit. However , you do repeat yourself & bid 3NT which is of course,  old news.  Over 3NT partner bids 4 which shows a 6-5 or better in partner’s two suits & a slam try as you do not pull 3NT without slam interest most of the time.  Partner still does know that you have AKx of her suit so you bid 5♣.  Partner bids 6♣ & claims . Once you have already described your hand to partner with an initial bid , describe it further by showing your club cards & fit . This fit for partners suit is the great unknown . There could be a grand or small slam if you do support partner.


            One of the worst bidding sins is hiding your hand from partner. A simple raise in a major shows 3 trump. I repeat a simple raise shows 3 trump. You do not make the same bid with 5 trump as you do with 3 trump. This is hopelessly wrong. A Tormentee held  xxxxx x AxxxQxx with the non vul opponents opening 1 . Partner vul overcalls 1& the opponents bid 2 so the 30 HCP rule comes into effect. You could bid 3 but that overstates your values. Most players would show their 5 th trump via the law of total tricks & bid 4♠. Appreciate & advise partner of the trump length in her suit !! Lose a 26 IMP swing as the opponents were allowed to play 4 making when you were cold for +620 in spades for a double game swing !! The Tormentee said she only had 6 HCP ! This was very true , she did .


            The very next hand ♠x AKxx Qxxxxxxx , the auction goes 1♠-2♣-2♠ & again the 30 HCP in the deck rule comes into effect & the law of total tricks with your 4th trump. Do not make the same bid you would make with 3 trump & 7 HCP & compete to 3 clubs. You have 9 HCP , rich in controls ,  stiff in their suit & a 4 th trump , Your hand evaluates to a 3♠ Q bid taking the non HCP factors into the decision. This hand makes 6♣ so you lose a 24 IMP swing as you may have reached 6♣ & the opponents only reached 5♣. This hand was played in a 3♣ partial at your table so lose 10 IMPS.


            What is the common thread with all these hands ? An utter distain for hand evaluation,   preferring to be a slave to the HCP system.  Hand evaluation skills of evaluating trump length , duplication of value in their suit & nature of your HCPs ( controls ) &  not bidding the same values you have already shown previously in the auction.  Despite the constant & repetitive  emphasis on hand evaluations skills to improve your bidding , you cling to HCP’s which is the poorest hand evaluation of all . Ignoring all advice & sticking to your old habits is not what mentoring is all about.


            Each of the past 1000 articles written start with the word “hand evaluation” so that you would think hand evaluation instead of simply counting beads & add up your HCP’s. Refusing to buy into hand evaluation over HCP’s is your choice. However , please do not pretend you want to learn the game of Bridge because you do not  !!! Repeating the same mistakes when you have been advised countless times or  your specific hands have been the subject of countless articles becomes tiresome & discouraging for the mentoring process. Stick to “fun” Bridge & enjoy your hobby . Actions speak much louder than words so improving your Bridge  is not a priority for you. There is nothing wrong with that , as Bridge is just your hobby !  Ignoring the mentor’s message is no fun for me at all , though. his is the great unknown . self & bid 3NT which is of course old news. !o of couse you hide your true hand from partner  trump.