Friday, August 06, 2004 5:57 PM

 Hand Evaluation - Forcing Pass  ( Auctions )
            In order to play D.S.I.P. doubles effectively ,  you must know when they do not apply .When we own the auction ,  forcing pass theory takes over. O.K. we will assume you know the understandings involved in forcing pass theory but let’s examine the auctions which “turn on”  forcing pass theory. There is also a “when” factor with forcing pass theory. Sometimes forcing pass theory does not “kick in” until you or the opponents bid game with the opponents bidding again. Otherwise , forcing pass theory is in effect immediately.
            Essentially forcing pass theory applies when it is clear that you own the hand. You must have your finely tuned ear to the bidding so you identify the auctions where forcing pass theory applies . Forcing pass auctions require you to be at the table & determine the context of the auction. Ownership is a hand evaluation concept skill that must be developed. Either we own the auction , they own the auction or nobody ( D.S.I.P. competitive doubles ) . The obvious auctions that turn on forcing passes are when  your partnership opens a
strong 2 ♣.
direct 2/1 bid
a redouble 10 HCP +
limit raise or better auction & game reached by either side
systemic  forcing  bids ( Jacoby 2NT , inverted minors , strong jump shift , reverse etc )
game bid vul against not in a non pre-emptive auction
double of their NT  ( forcing thru 2 level )
penalty double or conversion
penalty double of a 2NT conventional bid ( after weak 2  or similar )
2/1 in competition & game reached by your side
2/1 as a passed hand & game reached by you side
when it’s obvious opponents are sacrificing against your game ( they signed off previously or are two passed hands etc )
Opponents pre-empts . When you or your partner have voluntarily bid game after an adverse opening preempt (other than 4 or 4♠), or preemptive jump overcall, all subsequent passes by your are forcing, e.g., 2-4♠-5-P, or 3♣-4-5♣-P, 1-2♠-4-4♠-P (here we cannot jump to 4with a weak hand since you do not pre-empt over a pre-empt). Unless we are vulnerable and they are not, the following sequence is an exception since we might be saving: 4-4♠-5-P
         When your side has overcalled at the two level & partner has responded in a new suit . You own the hand so forcing passes apply after you bid game .
Lets discuss a couple with examples submitted by Stan Cabay . A 2/1 in competition is forcing only one round if the suit rebid but if you continue on to game ,  Forcing Pass Theory kicks in as your 2/1 shows a reasonable hand.
W              N         E          S
1♣              1♠        2        2♠          East has ♠KQx K109xxx xx ♣xx , doubles for penalty which ends the auction.( 2/1 in competition )
3              P          4♥        4♠
P               P         ?                     
    W           N         E         S
P          1        1♠        2♣
2♠        3        3♠        4
P          P          4♠        X                      South has ♠xx Ax QJxQJxxxx & is doubling to warn partner that 5 is not a good idea as per forcing pass theory.       ( 2/1 passed hand )