2007-07-27 22:10
Hand Evaluation – Tactics ( Fights )




            Garozzo says “never enter a fight you cannot win . When the ultimate scenario is that you are going to lose , entering an auction is futile & either helps the opponents play the cards or you subject the partnership to a set. Everybody vul , you hold Kx Kxxxx Q109xx ♣K , you hear a strong NT to your left , pass by partner & Stayman to your right. Most players have Stayman promising values so let’s give responder 8+ HCP”s so with 16 HCP’s behind you , you have located a minimum of 24 HCP+ in their hands. Next , let’s use hand evaluation fundamentals to determine the playing strength of your hand. You are Aceless , you have two kings outside your two suits & in front of the NT opener so they are probably history. Next look at the suit quality of your heart suit . If all your outside HCP’s were concentrated in your two suits , you have a 2 bid. With this hand , you have enough scattered values that they might not make their 3NT game , so why are you entering this fight ? The Stayman bidder could have hearts as the suit she is advertising so you are just giving them a fielders choice. You may not  even want a heart lead against their game.


            OK , you bid 2 which gets doubled & the opponents defend just dreadfully. You should go for –800 but you escape for –200. Is this a victory ? No , as the field is in 3NT down one , so you are the only minus your way. You lose 8 IMPS for poor hand evaluation & entering a fight that you could not possibly win. In Bridge , you describe your hand to partner . You do not bid in hopes that partner fills in your suits for you. This is reckless beginner Bridge in that you luck out or may not. With the odds stacked against you considering all the hand evaluation elements described above , you pass 2♣ & beat 3NT once they arrive there.


Equal vul & partner is a passed hand . You have Kxxxxx 10xx KJxx  & hear RHO open 1♣ so do you enter the fray ? You are equal vul so a sacrifice is a losing proposition . If you bid 2 all you are doing is helping them. Give partner 6 HCP which is a median for a passed hand  & your side has 15 HCP to their 25 HCP. You are outgunned so they are going to win the fight. All you are doing is helping them play the hand by announcing your 6 card spade suit. You are giving them a penalty option as your spade suit is not good. Garozzo would not enter this fight. Choose your battles carefully.


“To bid or not to bid” that is the question said Hamlet the Bridge player. Modern bidders want to enter the auction at all costs. Playing against the right opponents this will confuse them. Against the wrong opponents , you will just be providing them with information to use for their declarer play or giving them penalty double options. Be sure you have a purpose for a bid & that you have some probability of winning the fight . Garozzo would approve. Bridge is a “thinkers game” just as much as it is a “bidders game”.