2007-08-29 02:10

Hand Evaluation - Evaluation vrs HCP's




            Once in a while , a hand comes up that brings everything together. The biggest weakness we have identified with the Tormentees is hand evaluation & Bridge judgment. They rely way too much on HCP’s as opposed to hand evaluation concepts. We are writing hundreds of articles on Hand Evaluation concepts so that the less experienced players will get a sense of what it is all about. Last Thursday nite , a hand came up where dozens of Hand Evaluation articles were applicable.


            You are vul & they are not , so you hear a 1 opener in 3rd seat. You overcall 1NT with KJxx Axx AxxKxx  , they bid 2with partner freely bidding 2♠. So what has the hand evaluation articles taught you ?  One article I wrote says put HCP’s near the bottom of hand evaluation indicators. Quoting Rita “ I only had 15 HCP’s Gerald “.


            OK , let’s use our newly acquired Hand Evaluation skills to evaluate your 1NT overcall in support of spades. Your HCP’s are all controls . Of the possible 12 HCP  available in queens & jacks you could have you have only 1 “bad” HCP & it is in trump !.  Controls bring out the aspect of  location , location & location “ as you controls are behind the opener. Partners’ queen & jacks grow up as kings are onside. If partners HCP’s are controls , they mesh with your controls for timing & suit establishment purposes. The 4321 HCP scale undervalues Aces & Kings & over evaluates queens & jacks. This has been proven for decades.  If partner has weak spades , your ♠KJxx behind the opener will do nicely. Hand evaluation is dynamic i.e. the bidding allows you to re-evaluate your hand during the auction.


            What about applying patterns & using the opponents as stepping stones which has been the subject of many articles. There is a very high probability that the opponents have indicated a stiff diamond in partner’s hand for you. With their diamond bidding , it sounds like the diamonds are 5-4-3-1 around the table , so partner has a stiff diamond. This means there are no wastage in diamonds so all of your HCP’s & partners are pulling full weight ( many many articles ) .


            There have been many articles on the “virtual value” of a 4th trump. Your hand has to be evaluated upward because you have a 4th trump. This hand is obviously better than a hand with 2 or 3 trump. Raising a level with the 4th trump brings in the law of total tricks ( still another article ) so a 9 trick contract should be easy .


            There have been many articles on the sins of not inviting with invitational hands. This lack of inviting  is a single handed & obviously final action that leaves partner out of the decision making process. When partner bids freely vulnerable , do you really think that that 3♠ is going down ? Why are you making the final decision for the partnership ? Pass the decision back to partner for her say.  Bridge is a partnership game ( many articles )


Playing the vulnerability & IMPs vrs matchpoints are two more articles which are applicable. In IMPS , you stretch for vulnerable games. You do not take the chance that 2♠ is the exact limit of the hand in IMPS. Vul games are 12 IMPs , so blowing a partial is a good gamble for a chance at the vul game. In Matchpoints , you may consider a pass for the almighty plus.


One last reason for inviting to 3♠ is the advanced sacrifice. If all partner has is a long spade suit , they can make 3 or 4 hearts depending on their spade distribution. 3♠ is a win win situation as the law of total tricks pre-empt  their side. You may be forced to bid 3♠ to compete so why not take out insurance ? The 3♠ bid mainly gives partner a 2nd chance though so the blame transfer is complete. Bid em up when you have a huge trump fit.


            Just for fun , let’s make a Ray Grace bid to show how ridiculous passing 2♠ is on this auction. Ray leaps to 6♠ after partner bids 2♠. Unsuspecting LHO ( Stan Cabay ) leads the diamond King. Gary Karst ( responder ) wins the diamond Ace & holds 6 HCP for his 2♠ bid xxxxx xx x ♣AQxxx . Gary ruffs a diamond back to his hand. Stan has ♠Ax & plays low. Gary goes up King & returns a spade so the honours crash. The clubs are 3-2 so Ray is +1430. I have put many 6-8 HCP’s in partners hand that 4-6 spades has a play opposite this control rich hand with 4 trump.  Axxxx xx x ♣J1098x  is a possible hand where 6♠ could make on this auction with partners hand. Once you deduce that partner can hold a stiff diamond , it puts a club suit in that hand. Why,  because that hand  should have 3 or less hearts because of no attempt to find a major fit. This makes your well located ♣Kxx of clubs gold.


            The satisfaction derived from writing all these articles on hand evaluation skills , will be that none of the Tormentees  eventually will ever pass 2♠ on this auction & say “I had only 15 points, Gerald “.  The actual hand opposite the NT hand was Qxxxx Jx K  Q109xx  which is a horrible hand to jump to 3♠ to force to game. If partner does not have a spade fit , 3NT is no bargain with the diamond entry ( or not)  going at trick one. Again hand evaluation for this hand. Stiff King ( location bad ) , Jx worthless & a lack of controls with both suits headed by just an unsupported queen. To force to game with this hand is poor hand evaluation so the tormentees would feel a “free bid” of 2♠ should suffice. They are no longer slaves to HCP’s. If partner cannot move over that , +110 will be a nice score. Tom Gandolfo who held this hand , used his hand evaluation skills & just bid 2♠. Points , Schmoints ..