Wednesday, September 24, 2003 3:28 PM

Hand Evaluation –Italian Q Bids ( XX )




            The U.S. style of Q bidding is very simple. Coupled with the principle of fast arrival , it is also very dangerous. This style of Q bidding allows Q bids at the 5 level which quite often put the contract at jeopardy if the hands did not fit well. U.S. style Q bidding means that 1st round controls had to be bid first , 2nD round controls bid second right up & thru the 5 level. This bidding avoided Blackwood as we knew the Aces and Kings by Q bidding anyway. Also implied with the U.S. style of Q bidding was that you had extra values because you were Q bidding.


            The famous Italian Blue team invented the Italian style of Q bidding where as long as you obeyed the rule that lowest rank was bid first , you could bid 2ND round control before 1St round. This style was way more accurate for slam bidding but necessitated Blackwood as you did not know how many Aces you had. Improvements in KCB Blackwood over the years made that style advantageous anyway. Q bidding 2Nd round controls make slam tries far easier & more accurate. The Q bidding inferences that you do not have 2Nd controls avoids dangerous ventures to the 5 level as a one last chance for a slam . This rarified atmosphere of the 5 level often leads to a disaster.


            The principle of fast arrival entailed  jammed Q bidding room when one hand was still unlimited. With the majors , the principle of fast arrival has been replaced by the “serious 3NT” among world class experts. Also adopted was the Italian style of Q bidding rather than the U.S. style. With this style of Q bidding , you do require extra to Q bid if you were opposite an unlimited hand. 3NT was put in the Q bid repertoire as a Q bid saying I have serious slam interest as opposed to just Q bidding.


            Q bidding at the 5 level is just not done with these methods . This understanding leads to the complication of “last train” Q bids . “Last Train  means you have lower ranking Q bids you could not Q bid below game level . You make a bid just below game to tell partner that you are still interested with that lower ranking control but can not take control of the hand with Blackwood because you have that flaw.


            Experts like Fred Gittleman say that Q bidding at the 5 level is a sign of something has gone wrong with the auction. He even goes so far as defining a 5 level Q bid as Exclusion Blackwood ! Playing Italian style Q bids , Q bidding at the 5 level is dangerous as you do not know how many Aces you have and you may end up in a grand off the trump Ace. The 5 level is definitely for the opponents , if you subscribe to Serious 3NT theory !


            When the opponents double your Q bids , the meaning of XX , pass & bid must change. With American Q bidding the XX says I have 2nd round control. With the Italian style , the XX says I have 1st round control. The pass says I lack a control as that gives partner a chance to XX to show the next control also. Bidding something freely shows partner that they opponents cannot cash two tricks in the suit.


Tom Gandolfo & partner had a bidding misunderstanding based on the above interference over their Q bids . Tom held ♠Qxx KJ1098xx Axx  & opened 1. His partner bid 2♣ , Tom using “fast arrival” bid 4  to show a hand that he would have otherwise pre-empted but he has an outside Ace. His partner held ♠Kx AQx Jxx ♣AQ10xx so even with this pre-emptive auction,  there is still a chance of slam. Therefore,  he Q bid 4 & the opponents doubled. Since partner forced Tom to the 5 level anyway , a Q bid of 5 is a courtesy so does not show extra. However , with the double, the Q bid also tells partner that do not worry about the spade suit or I would have passed telling you that I have nothing in spades. Toms partner bid 6NT to protect the spade king so a 24 IMP swing occurred. 6 is cold & was not reached at the other table ( they pre-empted at the 3 level  with an outside Ace )  , 6NT went down at Toms table.


My partner was in a Q biding auction with ♠Ax 10xx Kx ♣A10987x when the opponents doubled partners Italian style Q bid of 3.  He passes as per the above theory to show no control so partner bids 3NT which ends the auction. Thank you opponents,  for keeping us out of a bad slam. J