Thursday, June 22, 2006 12:31 PM

Hand Evaluation – Tactics ( Doubles )




            D.S.I.P. competitive double theory is based on & assumes disciplined bidding by your side. You must have your quick tricks for your opener . You have values expected for a 2 level overcall . Your T/O doubles & balances have appropriate defensive values for the level of the bid. Even your systemic toys should be disciplined as to weak or strong.


            What if these bids are not disciplined ? A D.S.I.P. competitive double wanting to compete again could lead to disaster as partner must bid again when that is the last thing she wanted to do. She never had her bid in the first place so just wanted to muddy the waters with her opener or overcall. This style should only occur if partner is a passed hand or nv vrs vul in an expert partnership. We have written before that partner should be careful with D.S.I.P. competitive double theory with this vulnerability  scenario & just let “sleeping dogs lie” . If partner does not have her bid , you will push them to game or you could go for an ugly set at a higher level.


            What should be the solution to this tactical bidding & D.S.I.P. theory ??  Just give leeway & not compete at this one vulnerability by one partner  ? I have been reading many accounts of World championships , Vanderbilts & Spingolds . This is what the Meckwells & other swing pairs do on a regular basis. They open & overcall with such utter garbage , partner just gives them maximum leeway so does not make a penalty double or over compete. This is the price to pay when you do not trust partner for any values. Sometimes they miss slams or games based on this mistrust.


            I feel this is also the way to go with D.S.I.P competitive double  theory when partner may be very light for her opener or overcall. Just give up , believe the opponents so put the green card on the table. You cannot have it both ways. If you are going to use pressure tactics on this one vulnerability scenario or when partner is a passed hand , D.S.I.P. theory should not apply. If you are the one who opened or overcalled on this vulnerability even opposite a passed hand, D.S.I.P. theory is fine but partner should be very careful .


            Should we go back to trump stack doubles with this vulnerabity ? No , Meckwell & others do not trust partner even for trump stack doubles from the hands which I have read in the Bridge World. They just take their undoubled plus. I guess D.S.I.P. competitive double theory should apply 7/8  of the time. 100 % in 3 out of the 4 vulnerabilities . On the 4th vulnerability , only by the overcaller or opener. Partner should use the green card instead of the D.S.I.P. red card in this situation. Discretion is the better part of valour .


            D.S.I.P. doubles on three of the vulnerabilities at the game level means that I would like to bid again to make the contract or have you convert the double to set them. D.S.I.P. doubles at the game level nv vrs vul should say I would like to sacrifice unless you have the defense to beat them. Asking permission to sacrifice at this one vulnerability makes sense to me.