2008-03-07 06:13

Hand Evaluation – Visualization ( Counting )




            Time to come out of the closet , after writing articles on Bridge for 6 years. I have been choosing my words carefully not to use the word count in all those articles. This has been a public relations ploy. Counting has a connotation of tedium as a task for computers or if associated with humans , a boring task. I have always used the phrase “apply patterns or “thinking in patterns” in place of the word counting in all my articles. This is how you count in Bridge so you do not have to resort to being a machine & count the hard way. It is more than that though , as counting in this manner becomes a visualization skill. Counting means so many things in Bridge , hand patterns , counting tricks & counting HCP’s. All essential skills for good Bridge though.


            The ability to “see hands” through patterns allows you play & defend double dummy. The term “double dummy” means you can see both hands. Thinking in patterns allows you to effectively see both hands. We all know that we would bid , play or defend better if we had the hand records before & during the event. Counting via hand patterns is as close to reading hand records as you are going to come in this game. Thinking in patterns is how you should play the game of Bridge or how you should “think Bridge”.


            I have avoided discussing deception in these articles although it is a huge aspect of the game of Bridge. Quite often not being fooled comes down to applying hand patterns. Declarer is trying to lead you astray , but by using partners count & applying patterns you can right the ship. Concealing length so as to fool declarer is a standard deceptive tactic. False carding is a standard deceptive tactic but do not overdo that. If the false card could fool partner for dire consequences, do not false card. If playing with a weak partner who is resting until the defense is over, please false card. Same idea with signaling a location of an honour. If signal the location of an honour  cannot help declarer or help partner more than declarer, please signal. I am a HCP odometer in Bridge. I keep track of the opponents opening bid on all hands so I appreciate it when partner gives me another piece of the puzzle.


            I have also avoided discussing hand patterns as part of end game defense or squeeze defense. The reason is obvious as you can play Bridge quite well without knowing anything about squeezes. At the national level , it is assumed you know enough about squeezes to break them up if possible & practice deception if you can not. Anyway , squeeze defense is mainly applying patterns & counting tricks to know if you or your partner is about to be squeezed. Killing an entry or a hold up play usually kills the squeeze . If not , plan your discards early so hesitations do not give the show away.


            Counting tricks via applying patterns is a defensive & declarer necessity. Believe it or not , counting tricks during the auction improves your bidding ! We play golf in part to exercise our body. We play bridge in part to exercise our mind. Not buying into patterns & applying them just means to me that you do not want to play Bridge properly & let your mind rust. No pain no gain. So work on those hand patterns & watch your game improve.