2007-12-21 06:18

Hand Evaluation – Tactics ( Counting HCP's )




With years of experience in the game of Bridge , counting HCP’s becomes a routine skill. More advanced counting of HCP’s is during the hand as declarer or on defense. This is called being a “human odometer” as you keep track of HCP’s as they are being played. This skill can also become routine with practice . This skill is assumed if you are a Bridge expert.


We play Bridge as a cerebral hobby. Keeping our gray matter exercised helps us as we age. “If you do not use it , you lose it “ medical people advise us. Being lazy & not counting HCP’s as they unfold  is unacceptable if you want to play good Bridge. I was born with the worst memory known to humans & I can do it. That being said , anybody else can. Your level of Bridge goes up a notch if you have this excellent habit ingrained for defense & declarer play at the Bridge table.


Defense in Bridge requires a plan. There are two ways to obtain this plan. One way as we all know is translating bidding , leads etc into hand patterns. The other is being a human HCP odometer. You have an idea of their HCP’s from the bidding so you turn on your brain cells to “record” for the defensive session. It is simple as telling yourself  to do it. Here is Tom Gandolfo in action to show how simple obtaining a defensive plan can be.


Tom held Kx AJx xxxxQxxx & heard the auction get passed around to 4th chair to a 1♠ opening . They bid 1NT & 4th chair rebid 2♠. An invitational 3 ensued & this was passed. Tom decided to lead 4th best club,,  the board hit with ♠109x Qxx K1098 ♣KJx  . Declarer put in the jack , partner the deuce & declarer small. You have recorded your first piece of information that declarer as the club Ace. 4 HCP’s accumulated thus far in our human odometer. Declarer now leads a trump & inserts the ♠Q as you win your king. Now what ? It should be all over as your odometer places the ♠AQJ in declarers hand. Declarer should be virtually “all in” as far as HCP’s are concerned to be consistent with the bidding. Partner should have the rest of the HCP’s that you do not have. Partner’s low club could mean four of them so declarer might get a pitch on the club. You switch to a red suit & cash your 4 red tricks for down one & +5 IMPS. If you did not count HCP’s , you may return a club for –140.


            The next hand was Tom again against Susan . Susan opened 1 vul & NV Tom decided not to overcall 1NT with a 14 HCP hand that evaluated to 15 HCP’s. KJx Jxx KxAQ987 . Maurice responded 1NT & Susan rebid 2♠ which ended the auction. 3NT Tom’s way , does make but due to the vulnerability it does not matter as you may set 2♠ enough to compensate for your nv game !!  ♠x Qxx JxxxKJ10xx . I hate leading blind so I would have led the ♣A but Tom guessed to try the K . Susan won & led the diamond 10 which Kiz won with the queen. The HCP recorder being activated means that Susan has shown up with the A. Kiz returned the club 3 which is an obvious singleton so you win your ace & give Kiz a ruff. Kiz returns a diamond so you ruff as Susan pitches a heart. No return looks attractive but you know Susan is 6-3-2-2 by now,  so you switch to a heart. Susan tries the heart queen , Kiz covers with the King & Susan wins with the Ace. Susan leads a spade & you win with your jack. Your HCP recorder tells you that Susan has a 10 HCP opener so you cash your heart & lead a club which Kiz ruffs with her trump Ace. Your side took 1 , 1, 1♣ & 5 trump for 3 down vul so you virtually got your nv 3NT back for +300 !!


            Defense is just relegated to just a series of guesses , if you do not apply patterns & count HCP’s the two basics of expert defense. If you have played Bridge a long time , you  can make educated guesses but they are still guesses nevertheless. Applying patterns & counting HCP’s turn guesses into certainties & elevates your game a notch. Develop this habit !!