Friday, February 06, 2004 2:43 PM

Hand Evaluation - Balancing 1NT  ( major )




An often misunderstood sequence is the balancing 1NT bid . The bid should be under a strong NT bid in the 11-14 HCP range . The bid is a “balance” so the only reason we are bidding in the first place is that partner probably has too many cards in the opponents suit to take initial action. The low end 1NT balance does not need a stopper in the opponents suit as partner is assumed to have one for not bidding initially. An experienced player astonished me recently for criticizing a balance of 1NT . This bid was made on a flat 12 HCP with soft values held in the minor suits after LHO opened 1. She said you did not have a heart stopper ! With values in hearts, I would more likely pass as I am not protecting partner’s trapped hand containing hearts anymore. The odds change that you & opener should hold all the heart values , not partner. Partner did not bid originally without heart duplication of value. That is a huge warning sign.


It is almost like she does not understand the concept of balancing. You are not bidding your hand  but the fact that the auction has been passed out. There are 40 HCP’s in the deck & the opponents have announced there is a high probability they have less than ½ of them. Trapping & balancing go together. If you do not trap , there is no need to balance. Instead , you make an overcall in 4th chair , not a balance as you are only bidding your own hand.


Balancing 1NT is quite often vulnerability dependent. If they are vul & you are not , quite often a 1NT bid just rescues them . You can make +120 but they are –300 in 1 passed out. Balancing doubles sometimes push them to a better partial on this vulnerability.  If you are vul & they are not , do not hesitate to balance 1NT as 50 a pop in their contract does not do wonders for your side. With equal vul , balancing 1NT is an art form. If you are in the upper range for your 1NT balance , you are bidding your own hand as the odds that partner has trapped have decreased. This is just common sense as you have 14 HCP , you & the opening bidder probably have ¾ of the deck. The NT balance in this range should have a stopper(s) . The lower your HCP range , the more you are bidding partner’s trap which includes the stopper.


            Maurice introduced me to a very nice bid in these auctions after a major suit opener.  He suggests using a transfer into the opponents suit as a check back for a stopper & to find the range of the balancing NT. If no stopper , the 1NT balancer just accepts the transfer to the opponents suit .We can scramble into a fit after that by bidding the lowest ranking suit.  With a stopper & a minimum , the balancer bids 2NT . With a stopper & a maximum ,  he bids 3NT . Therefore , the transfer to openers suit is an invite to a game somewhere . An excellent understanding !!


            You can further the transfer idea by defining other bids as transfers also to get the opener on lead . If the opponents open a major  ,you have room to maneuver with the transfers into their suit. So all bids but not including 2♣ are transfers. 2NT by the trapped hand is invitational showing a stopper in their major. If they open a minor , this treatment does not apply. 2NT is invitational & 2♣ is a query ( not Stayman ) to find out more about the 1NT balance.


            In order for the NT balancing structure to work , it is handy to have the 2NT balance showing 18-19 HCP range with a stopper.  In the balancing seat 2NT is not unusual whether they have opened a major or a minor . Transfers apply here also , but not of the “check back” variety. The strong NT range is shown in the balancing spot by doubling first , followed by an immediate NT bid.



 p-2-p-2NT     15-17 HCP’s.


A 2 of a minor balance is the most useless balance in the world. It is not constructive towards game nor does it “punish the opponents” if partner trapped. Bend over backwards to balance 1NT instead of 2 of a minor to right side tenaces.  You hold ♠xx Axx J1098x ♣AQx in the balancing spot , the opponents open 1so passed around to you . You balance 1NT , partner bids 2 . You accept the transfer as you do not have a spade stopper. Partner bids 3 so you take a shot & pound it to 5♦ . Opener has AKQJ10 of spades with the diamond king so you get +600 as they are in 3NT down one at the other table J.


            xxxx Kx AQxx ♣KJ10