Thursday, June 29, 2006 1:50 AM

Hand Evaluation – 4-4 fits




            Another aspect of hand evaluation in Bridge is to know when the possibility of bad trumps might exist for your 4-4 major fits. Finding a 4-4 major fit is not nirvana when 3NT is a far superior contract or a minor slam is much safer. 4-4 fits bring in trump dependence on 3-2 breaks so limits your options. Knowing when and how to offer a choice of contracts is the key. Sometimes this just starts with the bidding decision going in. You hold ♠K10x Axxx KxxAQx , partner opens 1 with RHO bidding 2 so what do you bid ? At one table they made a negative double so as not to lose the heart suit. At the other table they leapt to 3NT which normally shows 13-14 HCP with spades doubly stopped. Instead ,she bid 3NT because it described her balanced hand with more HCP’s to compensate for her lack of a 2nd stopper. Her heart spots were so terrible so she did not want to encourage a 4-4 major fit in a distributional auction where 4-1 breaks are more common.


            Partner held A J98x AQJ10xxx ♣K  , bid 4 after the negative double  at one table so they ended up in 5 after finding out they were missing the KQ of trump. At the other table , they bid 4 over 3NT which is a slam try. You do not pull 3NT from a position of weakness. Having  4 as a slam try forces a Q bidding auction or Kickback & 4NT should be to play. Anyway , after KCB , the opener knows that partner has the heart & club Ace and the diamond king. She now asks for specific kings and finds out about the spade King. She can now count 12 tricks in NT & as it turns out there were 13 tricks in NT.


            You hold Kx Jxxx AQJ109x ♣x , partner opens 1♣ with you responding 1. Partner bids 1 so do you leap to 4 ? Your diamonds are a nice source of tricks for NT so I would bid 4th suit forcing to force to game. It turns out partner bids NT so you choose 3NT instead of the heart contract . Nice decision as partner holds Axx Qxxx x ♣AK10xx and at the other table declarer could not handle the 4-1 trump break in 4 with such bad trumps.


            The more HCP’s you hold , the more contract options you have. When your side is near slam , you have the luxury of not just relying on one suit. You can choose a NT contract. When my partner opens 1NT but I am near the slam range but not quite , I do not even bother with Stayman. Why ? I am not going to slam anyway so I have the luxury of not having to depend on one suit. When partner finds out the 4-4 suit breaks badly , there are usually enough resources to make 3NT anyway. Not bidding Stayman is a safety play against bad trump breaks.


            Quite often when you have found a 4-4 major fit and there is some doubt about the quality of your trump fit , give partner a choice of slams after KCB. Bidding 6 of your minor is not a demand to play in that suit but offers partner a choice by showing doubt about the trump quality of your major. Partner will make her decision based on her help for your minor & the quality of her trump. When you have found your 4-4 major fit , consider NT when you have a wealth of HCP’s.


            Here is a well bid hand from a Spingold. AJxx K QxAKQxxx , they opened 1♣ . Partner responded 1 with Kxxx A109x KJ10 ♣Jx , the opener jumped to 2. Responder bid 3 so opener carried onto 4. Partner forced to game but never made a slam try over 3. Why ? Best guess is that she is worried about the quality of her spades. You have 12 HCP opposite a game forcing hand. If partners HCP’s are not in spades , they are elsewhere (probably a good club suit ) . You bid 4NT , place the contract in 6NT resulting in +1440. They went down in 6 at the other table.