2008-02-22 00:15

Hand Evaluation – 4NT ( Ambiguous Reverses )




            Reverses are ambiguous as they can range from an “Ace above an opener” to a game force. Responder must deal with this ambiguity but how ? One of the tools of the trade to determine the range of the reverse is Lebensohl. Opener must accept the relay with a normal reverse & break the relay with a top end reverse. This action gives responder something with which to work. What if responder does not use Lebensohl & instead supports the suit ? This action shows a positive slam try from  responders perspective.


            Kiz Fung came up with a neat bid tonight on a reverse auction. Axxx xx Jx ♣A1098x & partner opens 1♣ with Kiz responding a spade . Partner reverses to 2 so 3♣ by responder sets the suit & the best game & slam investigation follows after that. “Game before slam” takes precedence so partner bids 3as a Q bid. You bid 3♠ & partner slows down proceedings with a 3NT bid. Kiz now suggests a 4NT bid by responder to mean quantitative for clubs on this auction not NT. Opener can sign off in 5♣ or bid 6♣ as her options. This bid has merit as opener does need extra to make 6♣. Although you have a good hand , it is not enough to force to a club slam. One additional invitational step is necessary so 4NT is idle on this auction. If 4 of a minor is KCB , 4NT must always be invitational but Kiz proposes not necessarily just for NT.


            A reverse into a minor should be handled differently. With the minors , the holy grail is 3NT so we should not use 2NT as Lebensohl. 2NT by responder with a  / reverse may wrong the NT contract. Experts use the 4th suit as Lebensohl in these auctions.



 2-P-2♠     is now Lebensohl . Partner must bid 3♣ unless she is so strong , she breaks the relay.


            As discussed in previous articles , a heart to spade reverse should have 2NT as a relay rather than Lebensohl. Playing this style means that 2NT is only Lebensohl when the reverse is a minor into hearts. So back to the original hand presented . Is there any advantage to using Lebensohl right away to get an idea of opener’s strength ? Definitely not , as you may wrong side the NT with your diamond holding . Setting the trump suit immediately is a time honoured best method for accurate auctions. However , we do need an invitational sequence in these auctions so 4NT seems to be an excellent way of going about the business of inviting. We can not invite by bidding 4♣ as that is KCB so 4NT to the rescue.