Thursday, June 10, 2004 2:30 AM

Hand Evaluation  - 2NT Overcall  ( Weak Two )




            The sequence of the opponents opening a weak two with your side overcalling 2NT is a common auction. It is good to have a clear understanding of bids over that auction.  Need different understandings depending on whether their weak two is in diamonds , spades or hearts. The two key bids are transferring into their suit to show shortness & 3 as a relay to 3NT to start minor sequences. These understandings apply to a 2NT balance after a weak two also.




Opener       Partner                       Responder        You
2         2NT (15-18)                          Pass                    ?

3♣= Stayman
= Transfer to 3  (Partner jumps to 4 with a max)
= Transfer to 3 (Partner  jumps to 4 with a max)
= Clubs, slammish
3NT, 4NT =  Natural
4♣= Gerber
= Transfer to 4   (followed by 4NT=Keycard Blackwood)
= Transfer to 4  (followed by 4NT=Keycard Blackwood)

Opener        Partner        Responder        You 
2                     2NT              Pass                   ?

3♣=  Stayman

3= Transfer to hearts ( their suit ) , shows stiff heart and slam interest in unspecified suit. Bid 3NT with severe duplication in hearts or accept transfer otherwise

3=transfer to spades
= Minors or minor ( relay to 3NT)
3NT, 4NT =Natural
4♣= Gerber
= Transfer to 4   (If followed by 4NT=Keycard Blackwood)


Opener       Partner        Responder        You
2♠              2NT             Pass                   ?

3♣=  Stayman   

3=  Transfer to  3 

3 = Transfer to spades ( their suit ) , shows stiff spade and slam interest in unspecified suit. Bid 3NT with severe duplication in spades or accept transfer otherwise
= Minors or minor ( relay to 3NT)
3NT, 4NT= Natural
4♣ = Gerber
=  Transfer to 4 (If followed by 4NT=Keycard Blackwood)



            Tom Gandolfo had a hand tonight that fits the system perfectly.  Kx x Q10xxxx ♣AQxx     The auction went a weak 2 & I overcalled 2NT. Tom could bid 3which relays to 3NT & shows minor sequences after that. However,  there is slam in this hand only if there is no extreme duplication of value in hearts. Transferring into their suit is a tool to find that out. Tom bids 3♦ , I accept the transfer to 3telling him I do not have severe duplication of value in hearts. Tom bids 4 , I bid 4 Q bidding to say I like diamonds. Tom bids 4NT so I bid 5♣ showing  1 or 4 Aces . Tom bids 5NT specific king ask ( I should not hold the heart king on this auction) & I bid 6♣. Tom bids 7 , I come down with  Axx Axx AKxKxxx  so we have 13 tricks !!!


            Osama opened a weak 2 everybody vul , I overcalled 2NT. My partner held Jxxx xx Jxx ♣KQ10x & bids Stayman . I bid 3 so giving the 2NT overcall the respect it deserves , partner bid 3NT. This contract made +630 on a squeeze.  IMPS vul when you know the “layout” of the auction is a time to be pushy . In Matchpoints , some people might pass 2NT with partner’s hand.


            Tom Gandolfo held this hand in Victoria Axx Axx AKxxxQx with a weak 2♠ opened on his right. Given the control rich nature of his hand some people might double. Tom decided that even though his hand did not consist of soft values , his lack of the 4th heart  & the balanced hand he opted for a 2NT overcall. I held ♠x KQxx xx ♣KJ1098x so with my stiff spade I can “check back” to enquire about the nature of his spade stoppers/duplication of value. I transfer into their suit so Tom accepts the transfer . This shows only one stopper with a lack of duplication of values in the spade suit. I now bid 4♣ , so with all his controls we reach a very nice 6♣ slam.