Sunday, July 23, 2006 12:45 AM

Hand Evaluation - 2/1 bidding ( Kickback )




            An established partnership should have a number of 2/1 understandings. One understanding is when opener shows a two suiter & the 2/1 bidder accepts one of partners suits via a Q bid. This only happens in Bridge ( 2/1 ) when the opener showing a major/minor combination. AK1098x K x ♣KJ1098 .






 You should not pull 3NT to a minor from a position of weakness so this is a slam try. Partner accepts clubs as trump by bidding 4 as Kickback & accepts spades with 4 as Kickback. 4 or 5♣ or 4NT is to play. Same scenario with hearts opened  with a two suiter, so 4 is Kickback for hearts.


In case of misfits , we need 4NT to play as a contract. Another example ,  where we cannot waste 4NT as an ace asking tool.


If opener’s two suits are both minors , there is no 2/1 so the two suiter combination must always have a major involved. XYZ or 4th suit forcing concepts enter the picture.


If opener has a major two suiter , slow arrival is a slam try,  so fast arrival shows a minimum.




3                         4 is fast arrival after 2NT so 3 is a slam try.


             A 3 preference agrees spades so a Q bid implies hearts. 4NT is KCB with hearts as the agreed suit. Major two suiters are easier to handle than major/minor combinations. The ranks of the suits cause complications with a minor involved. J.