Sunday, January 14, 2007 3:23 AM

Hand Evaluation - 2 / 1 Understandings




            Books have been written on 2/1 understandings. Here is a brief summary of our systemic 2/1 understandings without interference.


  1. 2/1 not forcing to game if suit rebid
  2. A 2NT rebid is an either/or bid minimum or strong 17+ to  19 HCP
  3. A jump to 3NT shows a hand that evaluates to a strong NT ( either side )
  4. A jump in a suit shows a semi-solid or solid suit ( not necessarily extra HCP’s)
  5. A 6-4 is shown by bidding the 4 card suit first unless forced to the 3 level ( rank).
  6. A bid at the 3 level shows extra HCP or a nice 5-5  ex 1-P-2-P  3♣
  7. Never rebid a 5 card major unless you are promoting it to 6 due to suit quality.
  8. 5-4-3-1 hands with a stiff in partners suit is shown by a 2NT bid ( if minimum)
  9. Special treatments with 1-P-2♣-P
  10.  With a major agreed , 3NT is a Q bid ( serious slam try)
  11. Q bids are done as a courtesy when a major fit found
  12. Q bids show extra when a minor fit found
  13. A jump preference of a major shows a “fit showing jump” hand with 4 trump


2-P-3♠        Jxxx xx x ♣AKQxxx

  1.  A 4th suit bid at the 4 level is not a suit ( implies a fit )

Ex AKQxxx xx AK ♣Jxx    1-P-2♣-P   2-P-3-P  4  ( club fit )

  1. With a minor fit established , a jump to the 4 level is Exclusion & not Kickback

Ex  1♠-P-2-P 3-P-4       4 is KCB

  1. A 4NT bid without a fit shows a hand too strong to bid 3NT

Ex   1-P-2-P 3-P-4NT 

  1. Jump bids by opener after a 2/1 are splinters.

Ex    1♠-P-2-P  4

  1. When opener shows extra ( 3 level) we are forced to game regardless of original 2/1.
  2.  A minor fit found at the 4 level is the agreement & not the ask . Kickback is used.
  3.  4 of the agreed minor ( found prior to the 4 level) is KCB
  4.  A pull of 3NT to a minor is a slam try , not KCB
  5.  Forcing passes are automatically turned on even if we were planning on bailing out.
  6.  A Q bid commencing at the 5 level is exclusion.
  7.  Fast arrival when major fit found denies controls
  8.  A raise of partners 2/1 is forcing to game even if original intention was otherwise ( use fast arrival)