Monday, May 19, 2003 2:23 AM

Hand Evaluation – Systemic ( 2 Way NMF )




            2 Way New Minor Forcing is not just a convention but a new way of thinking . It is based on pure Bridge logic that all balanced hands should be rebid with some number of NT . Identifying a class of hands in that manner leads to more accurate bidding . It also does not reveal much information to the opponents so it causes them lead problems. Flat hands do not play as well as distributional hands so keeping them separate in bidding is just common sense . With flat hand opposite flat , you generally need the full 33 HCP to make a slam and 25 HCP to make a game . With distribution in the equation , slam and game thresholds are much lower.


            This means up the line bidding by opener implies a distributional hand . This again is a huge advantage . 1♣-P-1  with a rebid of 1 promises 5 clubs as all the flat hands are taken out of the equation . The only hurdle to overcome is make sure you find your 4-4 major fits if they exist. This is done in two ways . One is that with weak or invitational hands you bypass the diamond suit so bid a major if partner opens 1♣. You find your major fit immediately that way .


            The 2Nd way your fit is found is by playing 2-way NMF over a 1NT rebid & something like Wolff relay after a 2NT rebid. This ensures that a major fit will be found if there is one. The 2 way NMF uses the power of a relay & uses both minors. 2 is forcing to game NMF so that’s easy to handle with stand NMF understandings . The 2♣ relay handles all the invitational hands . The 2♣ bid forces partner to bid 2 which can be passed as a decent partial whether she opened 1 or not . Bidding over the relay shows the invitational hands . 2 in this  2♣ auction shows specifically 4-4 in the majors so you have found your 4-4 spade fit . 2NT is invitational after the relay so this makes the direct 2NT bid redundant.


            Therefore , we can define a direct 2NT raise is an either or bid . It is a relay to 3♣ which can be passed . If you bid after the club relay you are showing a singleton with those impossible to describe 4-4-4-1 hands or 5-4 with 4 of partner’s minor. With the relay can you show all the invitational major invites at various levels. A jump in a major is still invitational after 2♣ but even more encouraging than at the two level with greater length.


            Bidding all flat hands with a NT rebid , unleashes the power of the weak NT . Since the 1NT rebidder does not map out her major suit holding to the opponents, leads are blind . Since flat hands are identified right away , it prevents over competing as these hands do not play very well . It could also induce some unwary balancers to get into trouble by bidding one of the 1NT bidders majors . There are only advantages in adopting this way of thinking . It makes you tougher to play against & makes your bidding more accurate . That is quite a combination !! Bidding up the line should be thrown out sometime in your Bridge development.