2007-11-20 18:25

Hand Evaluation - 2 ♣ & 2NT Response




            Bidding theorists have avoided using 2NT as a response to 2♣ for two main reasons. The bid pre-empts the auctions using valuable bidding space. The 2♣ bid is pre-emptive enough as it is. The 2nd reason for avoiding 2NT as you are wrong siding the NT contract as the huge hand is coming down as dummy. We feel bidding 2NT by responder  makes sense in only one instance , when you do not care if responder pre-empts the auctions or bids 2NT. No harm will be done if the 2NT response means 4 controls or more. With 4 controls , 4NT is safe as a contract by responder & most of the time the contract will eventually be at the 6 or 7 level. Transferring to the 2NT response even makes sense.


            The 2♣ structure we prefer is as follows.  2by responder shows no controls , 2 shows 1,2, or 3 & 2NT shows 4 or more controls with a balanced hand. This treatment allows relays to occur after the 2 response so we can keep the contract under 3NT & get our two suiters described . This means we do not have to open huge hands at the one level & risk missing game or slam.


            OK , we need some understandings after 2♣-P-2NT-P  . The obvious auction in which to begin is



3NT                     This shows the NT range of hands & is of course forcing. 4♣ is Stayman , 4, 4 are transfers & 4♠ shows the minor (s) . Super accepts are just too valuable not to use transfers. I prefer super accepts in these auctions be defined as just accepting the transfer & 4NT otherwise.  4NT as KCB when we know the controls already is silly.


            Tom Gandolfo came up with an idea that is easy on the memory & efficient also. Assume that the 2NT response is like a 2NT opener so the 2♣ opener has the option of treating the response of 2NT as if it were opened 2NT. 3♣ is Stayman , 3, 3 are transfers & 3♠ shows a single suited minor hand. If you have a NAMYATS type of 2♣,  opener leaps to 4 or 4♠ ( no need to transfer ) as you are big hand . At the 3 level , the transfers work like a relay in that responder can super accept or allow opener to describe a two suiter by the 4 level. You can show single suiters or two suiters economically this way.


            When responder shows 4 or more controls , quite often opener will take control of the hand & all of the above is not necessary. However , two suited hands by the 2♣ opener still need to find a fit & the level will be determined later.