Friday, September 15, 2006 2:40 AM

Defense – Patterns




          Expert Bridge players “count out” hands on defense . This is done by translating the bidding into patterns or noticing when somebody shows out of a suit or signals etc. This is done all the time on each and every hand that is defended. If you do not do this , you are just guessing how to defend, This is a must have skill to defend properly and should be automatic.


          Here is a simple hand where translating the bidding into patterns beats a little club partial but is with 4 IMPS nevertheless. Steve Clements opened 1 and Chris Buchanan responded 1 on

♠Kxx xx Qxx ♣xxxxx  . Steve rebid 2♣ and that ended the auction. When one partner gives preference to a 2nd suit it usually means that he is short in the 1st suit so a trump lead is pretty well automatic on these auctions. I held Q10x  Kxxxx xxx ♣KJ and I led the club king. This won the trick so I translated the bidding into a pattern. Declarer showed 5-4 in the minors so the 5 card diamond suit is a danger to discard winners. Declarer might be 3-1-5-4 so I switched to the spade queen which was ducked . I continued the spade 10 and BJ won his jack. BJ is counting out the hand also so he also knows the 5 card diamond suit is a danger. He knows the spades are probably 4-3-3-3 so he cashes his Ace of spades. BJ now switches to a heart before the trump queen is knocked out so we win the race. Declarer wins the heart Ace , cashes the club Ace dropping my jack of clubs and starts to run diamonds. BJ ruffs in on the 3rd diamond and cashes his heart for one down. Both declarer and responding bid 3 card suits ! If you did not “count the hand” they make 3♣ and you lose 5 IMPS.


          Another routine counting out a hand occurred against Klimo. Louise opened 1 and BJ pre-empted to 2  with Klimo bidding 2. I held xxx K10987 xxx ♣Kx so they could be on for a slam here. I decide to muddy the waters with a 3♣ bid. Louise bids 3 and BJ raised “my clubs” to the 4 level. Klimo made a slam try by bidding 4 which I doubled  followed by a 4 bid by Loiuse. BJ decided to bid 5 and Klimo now started to think. He held ♠AKQxx void KJxx ♣Jxxx . With both of us bidding clubs this marks Louise with only one club so he takes the push to 5. I lead a heart and the Ace wins on the board and Klimo discards a diamond. Klimo ruffs a heart and draws 3 rounds of trump and I follow to all of them. BJ is counting out my hand as I showed up with 5 , 3 so far. Klimo now cashes diamonds and I follow to 3 of those ! . BJ now knows I only had a 2 card club suit for my bid. BJ had AQxx of clubs originally so he carefully holds on to the AQx and ducks to my king when Klimo trys for a pseudo end play. We win 10 IMPS as we made Klimo go wrong with our defensive bidding. If you do not count hands ,  you might discard clubs because I “bid them” . Laziness would not be rewarded .