Friday, October 06, 2006 2:39 AM

Bad Systems - Tactical Bidding




          I do not like Capelletti over a NT bid . Why , because it is an ambiguous bid. The 2 bid is just a terrible bid as partner has no idea what is going on if the opponents bid. My partner had an excellent chance to take advantage of the opponent’s bad system Thurs nite. He held Qxxxx xx KQx ♣xxx and I opened 1NT weak. The opponents bid the silly 2♣ Cappelletti so he bids 2 as he has 7 HCP’s and we are nv vrs vul . We may have more than ½ the deck if I hold 13 or 14 HCP’s for my NT. By bidding , you pre-empt them from finding their fit. I would further pre-empt & bid 3 as partner hits my 4 card spade suit. They are cold for +620 in hearts but very few pairs got there because it is a lucky make. Most pairs bought the hand in a spade partial +140 so we lost 7 IMPS when we gave them room & they bought the hand for 3♣ and –130. When the opponents are playing a bad system – take advantage of it.


          There are times to bid and times not to bid when they interfere over your NT. Do not rescue them if you have a good hand. Kiz & Tom interfered over our NT with a Suction bid. Suction is a much superior system than Capeletti as it removes ambiguity. You have a good idea of the overcallers suit(s) immediately which brings partner into the picture. Anyway I doubled the 2♣ bid which in their system shows diamonds or spades/hearts. The bid shows cards and says let me at them. The primary bid in your system should be a double to announce cards & punish them for intruding into your auction. You need a bid to signal to partner that this is our hand so you are invited to swing the axe also. A double of systemic or natural bids fits that purpose.


If the bid was Capeletti , the double is defined as Stayman. The Capelletti 2♣ bid is an exception as you do not want the auction to die in 2♣X when you have a good hand and clubs is their suit. Not with this bid though as it could mean the majors. The bid also sets up forcing passes. If you had clubs & a forcing hand you should just pass and back in later. I like a direct 3♣ to show a competitive hand in clubs. Rubensohl is an excellent system when their bidding forces you to the 3 level.


          I made a bad bid playing with Perry the other nite involving interference over NT but in the balancing spot. I held KJ9x J10x Jxx ♣Axx and Perry opened 1NT (12-14)  nv vrs vul. I passed 1NT and Alvin balanced 2 and around to me. I play in balancing auctions if you are behind the suit , the double is penalty and if in front of the suit just cards. I should just pass as +200 should compensate better than any partial we can make. Anyway since it was matchpoints , I doubled ( in IMPS I pass without thought) and Perry bid 3 going down. Do not forget Bridge is a partnership game so take your plus & go quietly. I should have passed in both games.