Monday, August 15, 2005 2:19 AM

4 Suit Transfers




          Transfers to the majors are the tried and true method of handling major suits after a 1NT opener. The best way of handling single suit minor hands is to utilize transfers also. Spades as a transfer to clubs and NT as a transfer to diamonds. All classes of minor suit hands are handled this way. As usual “ fast arrival” to the suit shows the weak hands. 1NT-P-2-P  3♣ all pass . You quickly arrived to the club suit so this is a weak sequence. 1NT-P-2NT-P  3-P-P-P is also weak as we got to diamonds quickly.


          If the NT bidder likes the minor suit , she “super accepts” by bidding 2NT after 2 and 3♣ after the 2NT bid. Partner may sign off by bidding 3♣ and 3 respectively. Normally partner bids 3NT when they realize partner has a maximum with a fit in the minor. The best hand pattern for minor suit transfers are the 6-3-3-1 strong hands. Whether partner super accepts or not the other bid is a singleton showing this patterns. If you have a 6-4-2-1 with a 4 card major it is usually best to use Stayman instead of transferring . Identifying the singleton can keep you out of 3NT contracts that do not make . You hold xxx x Axx AQJxxx  opposite partners 1NT opener with AKx xxx KQJx Kxx. You transfer to clubs and bid 3 to show your singleton. Not only do you avoid the 3NT trap ,  you reach +1370 in clubs !


          The harder hands to bid with this structure are the 6-3-2-2 hands. BJ Trelford held this hand today. AKx xx KQ1098x xx  and I opened 1NT . BJ bid 2NT and I super accepted to 3♣ . What can BJ bid ? 3 is a sign off  and 3NT must be passed and spades & hearts show a singleton. BJ can bid 4NT as quantitative showing a 6-3-2-2 pattern or take control of the hand himself and leap to 4 KCB. This is not recommended as this wrong sides the diamond slam. With this hand & partner super accepting in diamonds , a slam in diamonds must be in the cards. It is bizarre to have partner super accepting with one Ace when you have these diamonds so leaping to 6 is maybe the best way to bid the hand. You have enough information from the “super accept” and that is all you should need. Turns out +1370 is 75% with one out of two finesses needed.


          With the above hand , partner can super accept with Qxx KQx AJxx KQX and they cash two Aces. Maybe playing the hand by bidding 4 as KCB is not so bad after all. I do not like the Q bid to be ambiguous either a stiff or a Q bid. That does not work. Maybe bidding Stayman and making a re-Stayman bid is the best approach. You at least get partners distribution that way and at worst you are on a 6-2 diamond fit. The downside is you do not know that partner is a minimum 14+ or a 17 HCP who likes diamonds.


BJ Trelford got dealt another one of these 6-3-2-2 slam try hands   He bid 2 after my NT opener and I super accepted so what should he bid ? He can not Q bid as that shows a singleton. If he bids 3 it is all over. I had Axx of diamonds I thought the hands fit like a glove and wild horse would not keep me out of 6♣. You can not Q bid one time and show a stiff another time as it will drive partner crazy. I think the only bid BJ can make is 4♣ KCB ( if stronger) or 4NT as a quantitative slam try to 6♣. Comments on how to handle 6-3-2-2 hands?