Tuesday, February 11, 2003 3:53 PM
 2NT - Minor Slams




Just found out that Kantar plays the same treatment as we do with minors over 2NT but he adds a transfer element . Is it worth taxing our memory to implement it ? I do not think so , therefore I took them out below.  Also see the 4NT bid by responder after the 3 relay to 3NT and of course Kantars KCB element in these sequences . BJ Trelford came up with the concept of “picture bids” in these sequences to tell partner exactly how many controls are missing. This is a neat concept , you tell partner about the fit and the controls in one bid by jumping to game or slam. Tom came up with a 5♣ jump after the relay saying pass or correct to a minor.



It has always been a problem to show the minors in response to a 2NT opening bid.

 2nt Minor Suit Slam Tries


2nt     3      relay to 3NT

3nt     ?


4       Club slam try

                        4Kickback RCB for clubs

                        4n to play , can have clubs but lacks controls


4        Diamond slam try

                        4Kickback RCB for diamonds

                        4n to play can have diamonds but lacks controls



4        fragment with both minors stiff spade

                        4nt to play

                        4♠ Double keycard

                        5♣ interested in slam. Missing 3 keycards (A♠, A, AK, AKQ♣)

                        5 interested in slam. Missing 3 keycards (A♠, A, AKQ, AK♣)

6♣ Missing 2 keycards (A♠, A, AK, AKQ♣)

                        6 Missing 2 keycards (A♠, A, AKQ, AK♣)


4♠        fragment with both minors stiff heart

                        4n to play

                        5♣ interested in slam. Missing 3 keycards (A♠, A, AK, AKQ♣)

                        5 interested in slam. Missing 3 keycards (A♠, A, AKQ, AK♣)

6♣ Missing 2 keycards (A♠, A, AK, AKQ♣)

                        6 Missing 2 keycards (A♠, A, AKQ, AK♣)


4nt       both minors, no stiff, not forcing

                        5♣ interested in slam. Missing 3 keycards (A♠, A, AK, AKQ♣)

                        5 interested in slam. Missing 3 keycards (A♠, A, AKQ, AK♣)

6♣ Missing 2 keycards (A♠, A, AK, AKQ♣)

                        6 Missing 2 keycards (A♠, A, AKQ, AK♣)


            5♣       weak both minors ( taking a shot) pass or correct only options

                        x x J1098xx QJxxx



An example of a 3 bid followed by 4 might be:  S. xx  H. Jx   D. AQ9xxx  C. K10x

An example of a 3 bid followed by  4 might be:   S.  xx  H. x  D. AJxxx  C. KQJxx 

An example of a 3 bid followed by 4NT might be:   S. Kxx  H. xx  D. Axxx  C. AJxx

An example of a 3♠ bid followed by 5♣ might be S. x H. xx  D.  J109xx  C. QJ109x

After responder makes a slam try, it is now up to the opener to decide whether to sign off, usually with 4NT or try for slam.

After responder bids 4♣, a slam try in clubs, if 2NT opener is interested in asking for keycards, he bids 4 kickback.

After responder bids 4, a slam try in diamonds, 4 the next ranking suit, is the keycard ask in diamonds by 2NT opener.

After responder shows a singleton HEART, 4 by the opener can be used as "double keycard" asking for aces, kings, and queens of both minors! 

As most players don't use that, and probably have never even heard of it, it is  easier to play 4NT as a signoff after a singleton showing response and leaping to slam with a maximum plus a fit for one of the minors. If opener retreats to five of a minor it is up to responder to bid the slam with a maximum.  

          Lets try on auction with the “picture bid “ concept with a hand from Thurday nite. Partner opens 2NT and you have KJ AJx Qxx J1098x  so you bid 3
and partner takes the relay to 3NT. You bid 4♣ and partner with Axx Kxxx Ax AKQx leaps to 6♣ saying he is missing exactly two key cards.

If the 2NT bidder lacks controls say Qxx KQx  KJx AKQx , she can still bid 4NT with a 4 card club fit as she lacks the controls to bid 5♣ , 6♣ or take control with 4 Kickback. The other hand now knows that she is missing at least 4 key cards as defined in this scheme. Change partners hand by adding controls Ax Ax Axx J10xxx and would bid 5NT saying “pick a slam”.

Here is a hand from the Bermuda bowl ♠Axx AKx AKQx ♣K10x  opposite

♠Kx Qxx 10xx ♣AQ98x   2♣-P-2-P                   (1) Kickback

                                        2NT-P-3♠-P                 (2) 1 or 4

                                         3NT-P-4♣-P               (3) Queen ask

                                         4(1)-P-4(2)-P         (4)  yes with spade King

                                         4(3)-P-5(4)-P          (5)  Anything extra ?

                                         5NT(5)-P-6(6)-P       (6)  Heart queen

                                         7NT(7)                       (7) Count 13