Saturday, July 16, 2005 9:41 PM

1NT Invitational 5-5's




            5-5 invitational hands have always plagued partnerships & bidding theorists after a 1NT opening.  You have 5-5 in the majors or 5-5 with a major and a minor with partner opening 1NT,  how do you handle them ? If you have a terribly weak hand you just pick your major and transfer to it and pass. If you have a game forcing hand you use Jacoby Transfers and transfer to the higher ranking and then bid the lower ranking one. All game forcing 5-5 with a major or both majors are handled this way. With game forcing auctions , you can have additional tools that ask for shortness and are slam orientated.  Transfers can only handle weak 5-5’s or strong 5-5’s as there is no room for invitational sequences.


          What tool in Bridge distinguishes between invitational hands and game forcing hands?  If you guessed the relay , you win (Lebensohl style) . If you have an invitational 5-5 with hearts as the anchor suit you can use the handy relay with transfers. A clever solution is to use both Jacoby Transfers & Stayman to solve the problem coupled with the concept of a major acting as the anchor suit.. Division of labour is required. Invitational 5-5’s with hearts as the anchor suit ,  are handled by Jacoby Transfers and a relay. Invitational 5-5’s with spades as the anchor suit ,  are handled by Stayman and a relay.



OK back to the division of labour . Here is how Jacoby Transfers handle 5-5’s with hearts as the anchor suit..


1NT     2¨      

2©       2ª

2NT                 forced relay except confirming hearts as trump & accepting game


3§       5  - 5♣

3¨       5© - 5

3©       6 ©, Game Invite

3ª       6 ©, 5 ª, GF


3©                   accepts game invite in © breaks relay



          What about the invitational 5-5 with spades as the anchor suit ? ? Stayman is the tool to handle these hands with the help of a “puppet or relay” . A relay is a switch that normally tells partner that invitational sequences are coming. Ok. You bid Stayman and partner bids 2 so what is 2 by you ? This is a Smolen relay in a Stayman sequence showing all the invitational spade hands ( spades is the anchor suit) .


          If you have a weakish 5-4 hand and no game interests , you can just pass the spade relay. The sequences are outlined below


1NT     2§

2¨       2©                   relay to 2ª

2ª                               forced (may have a weak 54xx hand) can not break relay

2NT                 5 , 4 , Game  Invite


3§                   5 , 5♣ . Game invite

3¨                   5 , 5  Game Invite

3©                   5 , 5  Game Invite


3ª                   5 , 4 , 31 in minors, Game Only

3NT                 5 , 4 , 22 in minors, Game Only

4§/4¨             5 , 4 , 3/4 m, Slam Try; Bid short minor



            Do not forget that when you are looking at an invitational 5-5 with spades as the anchor suit you do not know what the NT opener is going to reply to your Stayman . If she replies spades of course you have found your 5-4 spade fit. If she responds hearts , 2 is now a relay to 2NT and now you show your invitational 5-5 with spades as the anchor suit.